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At UX academy classes we were assigned to do some real-life projects. Our team got the task to investigate case. Tiketa is online ticketing portal.
Investigating a platform: We made several interviews to define the users. Detected that they have no mixed feelings about the platforms, they either love it or hate it, those who hate, prefer other ticket portals in the market. Overall there was one common thing with all the users we interviewed, they visit platform just to buy tickets, but do not search for events. 
Problem: Users visited platform to search for the event and they encountered some search feature problems.
Problem interview insights: Users mainly specify visual noise of the platform and lack of clear search structure 
Design persona: One of our users was Jelena: Working mother of three with higher than average income, educated, active in sports. During working days, she is planning her weekends.
Decision interview insights: The main goal is optimising search feature, make it more user friendly and intuitive, also displaying necessary features to encourage people to search and to be more satisfied with the whole process and the results.
Tiketa UX case 
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